The Journal of CESNUR 


Current Issue

The Journal of Cesnur, volume 8 issue 4. Cover.

Volume 8, Issue 4, July–August 2024 (View full issue)

Ikedas Rinascimento: Daisaku Ikedas Trips to Italy and Soka Gakkais Globalization of the Italian Reinassance
Massimo Introvigne
(pp. 5–16) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.1

Numbers and Aspects of Soka Gakkai in Turin (Italy): The CESNUR Research Project of 2008–2010 and Its Relevance Today
PierLuigi Zoccatelli (†)
(pp. 17–34) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.2 

Then Britain Began to Chant
Eileen Barker
(pp. 35–44) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.3

Between Buddhism and Postmodern Spirituality: The Popularization of Soka Gakkai in Austria and Germany
Nicole Bauer
(pp. 45–55) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.4

Glocalizing the Gohonzon: The Historical Experience of SGI Australia 1945–2016
Bernard Doherty
(pp. 56–65) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.5

The Functions of the Promotion of Art in the Globalization of Soka Gakkai
Bernadette Rigal-Cellard
(pp. 66–78) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.6

Globalizing Sugihara: Daisaku Ikeda’s and Soka Gakkai’s Role in Commemorating Chiune Sugihara
Rosita Šorytė
(pp. 79–89) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.7

From NSA to SGI in the USA: The Emergence of Soka Gakkai in America
J. Gordon Melton
(pp. 90–109) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.8

Musical Bodhisattvas: African American Musicians in the Soka Gakkai
Holly Folk
(pp. 110–118) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.9

Among the Wild Geese: The Canadian Wing of Soka Gakkai International
Susan J. Palmer
(pp. 119–131) DOI: 10.26338/tjoc.2024.8.4.10



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